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Harm associated with Holy Communion on the tongue in Japan


I am currently taking a survey about the harm associated with Holy Communion on the tongue in the Catholic Church in Japan. The survey period will be a month long, starting on May 31, 2019.

In Japan, priests’ reprimands and refusals against Catholics that would like to receive the Holy Communion on the tongue (while kneeling or standing) have been made for a while now. Even after the Japanese translation of the INSTRUCTION Redemptionis Sacramentum the incidents didn’t stop; instead, the number of reports increased.

NOTE: “Harm” means priests’ rejection, rebuke, and insult pertaining to “Communion on the tongue.”
Some priests in Japan said aggressively like these remarks below.

“You are like a dog.”
(Some priests in Japan are intolerant of Catholics who stick out their tongues.)

“You Japanese should receive Communion withe their hands, not on their tongues!”
(A Japanese priest got furious at a friend of mine.)

“Stand up!”
(when he looked at a kneeling Catholic.)

Many Japanese Catholics have heard about or witnessed the incidents even if they were not directly involved. Usually from friends, acquaintances or the reports circulating around the Internet.

Despite all of this, the Church in Japan has not made any serious attempts to work towards a solution to this problem. One reason for this may be the fact that the reports are dispersed and it is hard to understand the true scope of damage inflicted. I have created this questionnaire so this issue is not ignored.

Please pray so that we can help these victims, reform the priests, and above all, end the sacrilege against the Holy Eucharist.

NOTE: The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan determined, as a general rule, Holy Communion is received standing. “However, it is not licit to deny Holy Communion to any of Christ’s faithful solely on the grounds that the person wishes to receive the Eucharist kneeling.” – from the Directory of the Church in Japan Concerning the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communionduring Mass , published in November 2014
However some priests reprimand and refuse Catholics that would like to practice Communion on the tongue while *standing*. They think that Japanese Catholics should recieve Communion on their hand because it is suitable for their culture.

Japanese Bishop’s Conference decided to keep standing and to bow during Consecration in 2015!
Most Catholics obey this awful rule after that. However, only a few keep kneeling during Consecration.

Explanation of Questionnaire* (language: Japanese)

* Survey method: Google Forms

 Results collected so far as of June 07
Questionnaires answered by victims: 14
Questionnaires answered by witnesses: 5 (with more than 9 victims mentioned)
(Time and Dioceses they witnessed: [1980s] Niigata, Sendai, [1990s] Tokyo, [2000 – July 2007] Nagoya, [August 2007 – as of 2019] Tokyo)

Time and frequency of harm associated Communion in Japan
* August 2007: Japanese translation of Redemptionis Sacramentum was published

 Aggregate Results
Number of respondents to the questionnaires: 68
Questionnaires answered by victims: 24
the number of the incidents of harm: 50 (in total)

Harm associated with Holy Communion on the tongue in Japan

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 Article about aggregate results

[Questionnaire results] The are 24 victims; Harm associated with Holy Communion on the tongue in Japan

There is a lot of data on this article.

Our Lady of Sorrows

Please pray for the miserable Japanese Catholic Church!